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Supporting the Social and Sustainable Economy

Social digital marketplace where producers and distributors of electrical and electronic equipment donate their surplus stock/returns to NGOs and/or vocational training colleges in a responsible and effective demonstration of waste prevention through social action. The concept behind CIRCULAR PLACE is that the best waste is the waste that never gets generated after a long lifespan.


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CIRCULAR PLACE is a core component of Extended Producer Responsibility for the prevention of waste generation. It stems from a real market situation yet to be addressed and which is a true opportunity to improve the social use of products that are currently being destroyed. What’s more, this initiative for a new form of waste prevention is in line with principle of corporate social responsibility of producers and distributors, as well as with the European Green Deal and the new Spanish Waste Law (Art. 18).

What are CIRCULAR PLACE’s aims?

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To prevent waste generation involving brand new devices or goods that due to market circumstances (technological upgrades, launch of new ranges, unsold stock) become surplus stock and are normally treated as waste.

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To contribute to the fight against climate change by preventing the emission of greenhouse gases from industrial recycling activities and by replacing energy-inefficient devices for other (donated) ones with lower environmental impact.

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To encourage the corporate responsibility of producers and distributors by donating these devices or surplus stock to social or educational projects of non-profit organisations.

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To provide NGOs/training centres with a perfectly useful product in perfect condition for free and quickly through the use of a digital platform. CIRCULAR PLACE is completely free for these organisations.

We tell you CIRCULAR PLACE in 2 minutes