How can I play a part
You are a producer or manufacturer of electrical and electronic equipment covered by Royal Decree 110/2015 on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment and registered in the Industrial Registry of Electrical and Electronic Equipment through the SCRAPs taking part in CIRCULAR PLACE.
Or you’re a wholesale distributor of electrical and electronic equipment.
You have materials in your warehouse that you’re no longer going to sell or that are not on sale.
You wish to collaborate with a non-profit organisation by donating these products to energy poverty, social rehabilitation, or educational projects.
Apply to the SCRAP (Collective Extended Producer Responsibility System) to which incorporation into CIRCULAR PLACE is affiliated.
Benefits of making a donation

Waste prevention through the donation of unsold products, as required by the new Waste Law and RD 110/2015 on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).

You’re contributing to social, energy poverty, and educational projects nationwide.

You’re helping make the shift from a linear economy to a circular economy by giving products a second life.

You’re getting a 35% tax deduction off the book value of the donation.

You’re conserving and protecting the environment in favour of sustainability, and you’re contributing to corporate social responsibility.
What should you know?

The producer or distributor decides.
Only the producer or distributor can approve a donation.

Prior to donation, the product should be in storage at the facilities of the producer/distributor.

The availability period of the product on CIRCULAR PLACE is decided by the producer/distributor.

Products must be new and in perfect condition.

Logistics costs can be borne by the producer/distributor or by the non-profit organisation.
What products can I upload?
You can upload all surplus stock of electrical and electronic equipment currently in your warehouses and which you think might be required by a non-profit entity for social projects, energy poverty projects, or educational projects.
Products with small flaws may be donated, as long as they do not affect the safety or the perfect operation of the device. Example: lack of original packaging, colour out of Pantone, etc.

Who can request my products?
Donations can be requested by all non-profit organisations that run energy rehabilitation projects, educational projects (classrooms, laboratories, teaching), social rehabilitation projects, or which are looking for solutions for social actions.
Organisations wishing to request one of the products must first apply for participation in CIRCULAR PLACE and comply with all the participation requirements.

Product upload format

Number of units available of the product. In this case, the donor accepts that the non-profit organisation can choose the number of units it wishes, provided that it doesn’t exceed the total offered.

A single offer with units of one or different products, but with a joint donation for the entire bundle. Basic information on the products or bundles for correct identification by interested parties.